In my form, I have a field with required option set to false, this field is optional.
However, I would like to have a notBlank validation on this field when the field is used:
* message="The name field can't be blank",
* groups={"flow_poemDataCollector_step1"}
* )
Right now, I can't use the validation constraint NotBlank because it will cause my form validation to fail when the field is unused.
I tried something to add a random value in the field in a onPostBindRequest listener, but it is complex and didn't manage to have it working. I'm not sure that it is the right way to proceed neither.
Here is what I tried: ($form is a Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface object)
$form = $event->getForm();
$formData = $form->getData();
$form = $form->setData($formData);
But then I get an error that I can't call isValid() on an unbound form.
How can I achieve my goal? ie. Validating the field only in some case.
This is an old question, but it seems that now we can do it this way:
message="The name field can't be blank",