I'm using Delphi XE2 with FireMonkey.
I have read many other questions about MD5 but didn't find an answer to the issue I have... I've also tested different scripts to generate a MD5 from Delphi:
function MD5(const text: string) : string;
md5 : TIdHashMessageDigest5;
md5 := TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create;
Result := LowerCase(md5.HashStringAsHex(text, TEncoding.ANSI));
function MD5(const text: String) : string;
md5: IMD5;
md5:= GetMD5;
md5.Update(TByteDynArray(RawByteString(AnsiString(text))), Length(AnsiString(text)));
Result := LowerCase(md5.AsString);
Both give me the same results... which is often the same I have within PHP:
$md5 = md5($toencode);
$md5 = hash("md5", $toencode);
But the results are different if I use Delphi or PHP, when I request the MD5 of one of these chars: "
or '
There are maybe others chars which generate different results but I just find these ones during my tests...
I have tested with many extended ASCII characters and have the same MD5...
So, I don't understand why I have differences with few of them ("
or '
), and I'd like to know if there's a way to always generate the PHP MD5 result from Delphi, whatever the chars are.
Any idea?
For instance:
with Delphi:
": b15835f133ff2e27c7cb28117bfae8f4
': 3590cb8af0bbb9e78c343b52b93773c9
with PHP:
": 3bd864034f446da13581129bb17f9191
': 024c94d6e03b6f67a86b952b914816c7
Formalizing this question.. I've find the answer... BTW, I post it as others may have the same issue...
and '
are escaped in PHP... so, within Delphi, I have to encode \"
and \'
... if you think I have forgotten chars or if you want to add some details, do not hesitate...
Delphi is in the right here.
>>> hashlib.md5('"').hexdigest()
>>> hashlib.md5("'").hexdigest()
PHP should not need those characters escaped by default; make sure that it is configured to not do so.