I'm using a solution for assembling image files to a zip and streaming it to browser/Flex application. (ZipStream by Paul Duncan, http://pablotron.org/software/zipstream-php/).
Just loading the image files and compressing them works fine. Here's the core for compressing a file:
// Reading the file and converting to string data
$stringdata = file_get_contents($imagefile);
// Compressing the string data
$zdata = gzdeflate($stringdata );
My problem is that I want to process the image using GD before compressing it. Therefore I need a solution for converting the image data (imagecreatefrompng) to string data format:
// Reading the file as GD image data
$imagedata = imagecreatefrompng($imagefile);
// Do some GD processing: Adding watermarks etc. No problem here...
// convert the $imagedata to $stringdata - PROBLEM!
// Compressing the string data
$zdata = gzdeflate($stringdata );
Any clues?
One way is to tell GD to output the image, then use PHP buffering to capture it to a string:
$imagedata = imagecreatefrompng($imagefile);
$stringdata = ob_get_contents(); // read from buffer
ob_end_clean(); // delete buffer
$zdata = gzdeflate($stringdata);