how to convert rgba to hex or rgb color code using php

hemant picture hemant · Jul 27, 2012 · Viewed 8k times · Source

Is it possible to convert rgba color code to hex or rgb equivalent color code in php. I have seared a lot but I found some js functions but not in php.

Please help


shadyyx picture shadyyx · Jan 17, 2013

When there are sources in JavaScript it should not be a problem to migrate the code into PHP...

RGB to HEX (considering we have our R, G, B colors in $r, $g, $b variables):

function toHex($n) {
    $n = intval($n);
    if (!$n)
        return '00';

    $n = max(0, min($n, 255)); // make sure the $n is not bigger than 255 and not less than 0
    $index1 = (int) ($n - ($n % 16)) / 16;
    $index2 = (int) $n % 16;

    return substr("0123456789ABCDEF", $index1, 1) 
        . substr("0123456789ABCDEF", $index2, 1);

echo $hex = '#' . toHex($r) . toHex($g) . toHex($b);

Didn't tested but should be working. Should You need RGBa -> RGB conversion desirabily, let me know...