What are the proper permissions for an upload folder with PHP/Apache?

Raleigh Buckner picture Raleigh Buckner · Aug 14, 2008 · Viewed 105.1k times · Source

Sorry for the basic question - I'm a .NET developer and don't have much experience with LAMP setups.

I have a PHP site that will allow uploads to a specific folder. I have been told that this folder needs to be owned by the webserver user for the upload process to work, so I created the folder and then set permissions as such:

chown apache:apache -R uploads/
chmod 755 -R uploads/

The only problem now is that the FTP user can not modify the uploaded files at all.

Is there a permission setting that will allow me to still upload files and then modify them later as a user other than the webserver user?


Ryan Ahearn picture Ryan Ahearn · Aug 14, 2008

You can create a new group with both the apache user and FTP user as members and then make the permission on the upload folder 775. This should give both the apache and FTP users the ability to write to the files in the folder but keep everyone else from modifying them.