How to make HTML5 work with DOMDocument?

Alex picture Alex · May 23, 2012 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I'm attempting to parse HTML code with DOMDocument, do stuff like changes to it, then assemble it back to a string which I send to the output.

But there a few issues regarding parsing, meaning that what I send to DOMDocument does not always come back in the same form :)

Here's a list:

  1. using ->loadHTML:

    • formats my document regardless of the preserveWhitespace and formatOutput settings (loosing whitespaces on preformatted text)
    • gives me errors when I have html5 tags like <header>, <footer> etc. But they can be supressed, so I can live with this.
    • produces inconsistent markup - for example if I add a <link ... /> element (with a self-closing tag), after parsing/saveHTML the output will be <link .. >
  2. using ->loadXML:

    • encodes entities like > from <style> or <script> tags: body > div becomes body &gt; div
    • all tags are closed the same way, for example <meta ... /> becomes <meta...></meta>; but this can be fixed with an regex.

I didn't try HTML5lib but I'd prefer DOMDocument instead of a custom parser for performance reasons


So like the Honeymonster mentioned using CDATA fixes the main problem with loadXML.

Is there any way I could prevent self closing of all empty HTML tags besides a certain set, without using regex?

Right now I have:

$html = $dom->saveXML($node);

$html = preg_replace_callback('#<(\w+)([^>]*)\s*/>#s', function($matches){

       // ignore only these tags
       $xhtml_tags = array('br', 'hr', 'input', 'frame', 'img', 'area', 'link', 'col', 'base', 'basefont', 'param' ,'meta');

       // if a element that is not in the above list is empty,
       // it should close like   `<element></element>` (for eg. empty `<title>`)
       return in_array($matches[1], $xhtml_tags) ? "<{$matches[1]}{$matches[2]} />" : "<{$matches[1]}{$matches[2]}></{$matches[1]}>";
}, $html);

which works but it will also do the replacements in the CDATA content, which I don't want...


Francis Avila picture Francis Avila · May 23, 2012

Use html5lib. It can parse html5 and produce a DOMDocument. Example:

require_once '/path/to/HTML5/Parser.php';
$dom = HTML5_Parser::parse('<html><body>...');
