How to flush data to browser but continue executing

aWebDeveloper picture aWebDeveloper · May 14, 2012 · Viewed 38.5k times · Source

I have a ob_start() and a corresponding ob_flush(). I would like to flush a portion of data and continue executing the rest. Using ob_flush() didn't help. Also if possible rest needs to happen without showing loading in browser.


I don't want to use ajax


Zombaya picture Zombaya · May 14, 2012

I have done this in the past and this is how I solved it:


 * Generate your output here

// Ignore connection-closing by the client/user

// Set your timelimit to a length long enough for your script to run, 
// but not so long it will bog down your server in case multiple versions run 
// or this script get's in an endless loop.
if ( 
     && strpos(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'set_time_limit') === FALSE 

// Get your output and send it to the client
$content = ob_get_contents();         // Get the content of the output buffer
ob_end_clean();                      // Close current output buffer
$len = strlen($content);             // Get the length
header('Connection: close');         // Tell the client to close connection
header("Content-Length: $len");     // Close connection after $len characters
echo $content;                       // Output content
flush();                             // Force php-output-cache to flush to browser.
                                     // See caveats below.

// Optional: kill all other output buffering
while (ob_get_level() > 0) {

As I said in a couple of comments before, you should watch out for gzipping your content, since that will alter the length of your content, but not change the header about it. It also can buffer your output, so it won't get send to the client instantly.
You could try letting apache know to not gzip your content by using apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');. But this will not work if you use rewrite-rules to go to your page, since then it will also modify those environment variables. At least, it did so for me.

See more caveats about flushing your content to the user in the manual.