I have div() in Cal class in my CalTest class has following methods to test the div().
public fucnction div($a,$b){
if($b == 0){
throw new Exception("Divided by zero");
return $a/$b
I can pass only testDiv() but testDiv2().
I want to catch check wheather the exeption thrown correctly using PHPUnit. What am I missing here?? Your help is highly appreciated. Thank you!
Your 2nd screenshot (the one with the error) has
"@expectedException Exception"
while the third has
@expectedException InvalidArgumentException
Do you really still get the error? Did you save the file?
Works for me:
class Foo
static function t()
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Hi there');
require_once 'Foo.php';
class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function testT()
$ phpunit .
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 5.25Mb
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)