Overall goal of my project is to connect to a Oracle database that is on another server, to query it using PHP, so that I can create charts of the data using JavaScript.
My server is running CentOS
So far I have followed the directions out on the web and have installed oci8 on my server as well as Oracle Insant Client.
I then created a shell script to tunnel to the remote server.
Next I created a test php file to try and connect to the database
$conn = oci_connect('name', 'pw', 'servername/databasename');
$e = oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR);
When I load this in the browser I am getting the following error
Warning: oci_connect(): ORA-12541: TNS:no listener in /var/www/html/djc/ociConnect.php on line 3 Fatal error: ORA-12541: TNS:no listener in /var/www/html/djc/ociConnect.php on line 6
I have done my research about the error, and I know the major problem is lsnrctl start
does not work, I have no lsnrctl function. I also do not have a TNSNAMES.ORA, or LISTENER.ORA file.
I do not know how to get lsnrctl to work on my server, or if I am even attacking this problem from the correct angle.
Also trying to start sqlplus(which I installed from rpm), returns command not found.
Any suggestions? I am not even sure if I am going about achieving my goal in the correct manor, so any help is greatly appreciated.
I used to connect with:
$conn = OCILogon($GLOBALS['dbuser'],$GLOBALS['dbpasswd'],$db);
Replace $GLOBALS['dbuser'], $GLOBALS['dbpasswd'], $GLOBALS[dbhost], $GLOBALS[dbname], $GLOBALS[dbport] accordingly.