How to sort LDAP Result with LDAP Query?

samwell picture samwell · Apr 10, 2012 · Viewed 17.5k times · Source

I'm creating a LDAP directory search using PHP and we're using Novell as our LDAP server. I'm able to successfully search and return results; this is the current filter I'm running, (&(FERPA=N)(|(uid=*searchphrase*)(sn=*searchphrase*)(fullName=*searchphrase*)(telephoneNumber=*searchphrase*))).

I want to be able to sort by last name, or the LDAP variable sn. I could sort it via PHP, but I want that to be the last resort. Is there a way to sort the results based on a column. For example, in SQL you can sort based on a column like this, SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COL='criteria' ORDER BY COL; Is there something similar that can be done with LDAP Queries?


Terry Gardner picture Terry Gardner · Apr 10, 2012

LDAP client applications that require results of search requests to be ordered in a repeatable way should use the server-side sort extension. In most cases, use of the server-side sort extension requires the application coder to inform the directory administrators so that proper indexing can be setup.