I am trying to create a share on a Windows Server 2008.
I can do it fine via the GUI and everything works like a charm.
But when I try to do it via the command prompt (I need the command prompt for a FinalBuilder WMI action step), nothing happens.
I use the command:
C:\>net share MyShare=d:\MyShareFolder /grant:Everyone,FULL
It returns a message like "Share was created", and it is indeed created - but the permissions are not applied.
I originally tried to grant a specific user to the share, but this also fails. The command was this:
C:\>net share MyShare=d:\MyShareFolder /grant:domain\myuser,FULL
I also tried to use double-quotes around the domain\user-specification, but same result.
There must be something that I am missing - but what is it?
You have to make sure that the user have permissions granted to the folder.
icacls "d:\MyShareFolder" /grant myuser:(OI)(CI)F