WIX: Giving Permissions to a folder

Hila picture Hila · Feb 14, 2010 · Viewed 26.7k times · Source

I've read all related topics and haven't found a full answer to my problem.

I would like to give full permissions to SYSTEM and Read & Execute permissions to Users group to a folder under Program Files. Nothing more, nothing less.

I know there are 3 ways to give permissions to a folder using WIX, none of them are really good for me and I'll explain why:

1) Regular Permission element:

    <CreateFolder Directory="Test">
      <Permission User="SYSTEM" GenericAll="yes"/>
      <Permission User="Users" Domain="[LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME]" 
      GenericRead="yes" Read="yes" GenericExecute="yes" ChangePermission="yes"/>

Problem: It fails on foreign OS since it doesn't knows the "Users" keyword. I tried it with SID as well. Beside that I need to place the Permission element under each file in the Test directory (but if this was the only case, I would have managed)

2) WixUtilsExtension PermissionEx element:

    <CreateFolder Directory="Test">
      <util:PermissionEx User="SYSTEM" GenericAll="yes"/>
      <util:PermissionEx User="Users" Domain="[LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME]" 
      GenericRead="yes" Read="yes" GenericExecute="yes" ChangePermission="yes"/>

Problem: The folder also keeps the default permissions of the Program Files folder. I can not allow that.

3) PermissionEx with Sddl:

Problem: This element is only available when installing with MSI 5.0. I'm using installer 3.01.

I'll be happy to get any solution, including solutions with custom actions...


ferventcoder picture ferventcoder · Aug 4, 2013

I had this exact same issue and talked to Rob M about it. I was going to do Christian G's answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/5296967/18475), but Rob suggested using WixQueryOsWellKnownSID (http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/osinfo.htm) to get around non en-US locales.

In the .wxs file you add the following:

<PropertyRef Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS" />

And further down in the .wxs file where you want to apply the permissions it's just like this:

<Permission GenericAll="yes" User="[WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSYSTEM]" />
<Permission GenericRead="yes" GenericExecute="yes" User="[WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS]" />

Now when you run light, you just need to link WixUtilExtension.

light -ext WiXUtilExtension ...

NOTE: Depending on your version of WiX, this may not be fully supported. If it doesn't work for you, there may be other options you can use to translate SIDs.