Top "Permission-denied" questions

This tag refers to a situation in which you are refused access to a particular system, file, database, etc.

SSH to EC2 but get Permission denied (publickey)

I generated the key-pair by EC2-Console, and then store it in ~/.ssh/iForests_ABetADay.pem. After that, chmod 400 iForests_…

ssh amazon-ec2 private-key permission-denied
Running C code on android using termux or gnuroot?

I'm trying to run c code on my android device using various terminal emulator apps. I have tried 3 so far …

android linux permission-denied terminal-emulator
Running nginx as non-root in Docker container gives permission denied error

I have the following Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:14.04 EXPOSE 8000 # Install nginx RUN apt-get update -q \ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests …

linux nginx docker permission-denied
Phpmyadmin 5.1.0.RC1 & 5.0.4 error (Warning in ./libraries/classes/Config.php#1285 mkdir(): Permission denied)

I test phpmyadmin 5.0.4 and 5.1.0.RC1 on ubuntu server 20.04, and I'm geeting the following error : Warning in ./libraries/classes/Config.php#1285 …

php phpmyadmin permission-denied mkdir php-8
On Android Studio 2.2.3 Gradle sync failed: Cause: error=13, Permission denied on Linux Mint 18

On Android Studio 2.2.3 when I am creating a new project or opening previous projects then the following pop ups: Gradle …

android-studio permission-denied android-studio-2.2
Troubles installing programmatically an app with INSTALL_PACKAGES permission from /system/app

I'm trying to install programmatically an app without user interaction and i'm getting this error SecurityException: Neither user 10057 nor current …

android permissions installation permission-denied
Permission denied (publickey) on EC2 while starting Hadoop

My manager has provided me with an Amazon instance along with a ppk. Able to login; trying to install hadoop; …

hadoop amazon-ec2 permission-denied
CURL permission denied via browser, works on ssh

Yesterday I have changed my usergroup/user on my linux host for a group of files. Today I found out …

php linux curl permissions permission-denied
fopen(dbinfo.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I am trying to run a php project on UBuntu . It has an install script which creates the mysql database. …

ubuntu xampp permission-denied lampp