I have a function that takes a variable and an associative array, but I can't seem to get them to pass right. I think this has something to do with function declarations, however I can't figure out how they work in Perl. Is there a good reference for this and how do I accomplish what I need?
I should add that it needs to be passed by reference.
sub PrintAA
my $test = shift;
my %aa = shift;
print $test . "\n";
foreach (keys %aa)
print $_ . " : " . $aa{$_} . "\n";
$aa{$_} = $aa{$_} . "+";
Pass the reference instead of the hash itself. As in
PrintAA("abc", \%fooHash);
sub PrintAA
my $test = shift;
my $aaRef = shift;
print $test, "\n";
foreach (keys %{$aaRef})
print $_, " : ", $aaRef->{$_}, "\n";
See also perlfaq7: How can I pass/return a {Function, FileHandle, Array, Hash, Method, Regex}?