Debugging Entity Framework SQL statements

Anders picture Anders · Oct 26, 2011 · Viewed 19k times · Source

I am having a weird pattern of response time when using the Entity Framework for SQL communication.

This is from my web host:

enter image description here

This is from my local server:

enter image description here

It's the increase in response time I am worried about. I have narrowed the problem down to one single line in code Nop.Data > EfRepository.cs > public void Insert(T entity) > _entities.Add(entity); Yes I know this very specific for the NopCommerce, but the point is really that I am looking her for help on how to debug this.

Are there some events I can catch that display the SQL being executed? Or what other things can I do to find out more what is actually happening in the Entity Framework in that above command.


JohnD picture JohnD · Oct 26, 2011

For debugging EF queries, the easiest thing is to cast the query to ObjectQuery and use ToTraceString:

var query = myContext.MyTable
    .Where(r => r.Id == searchId)
    .Select(r => r);


This will show the underlying SQL for the query, and you can run the queries manually to debug why they are slow. Here is the MSDN link:

If you're trying to get the SQL which is run when you call SaveChanges() on your context, it's not as easy. You could take a look at EFTracingProvider:

Or, assuming you use SQL Server, you can go directly to SQL Profiler and capture the T-SQL statements (this is my preferred approach).