I have been playing around with numba and numexpr trying to speed up a simple element-wise matrix multiplication. I have not been able to get better results, they both are basically (speedwise) equivalent to numpys multiply function. Has anyone had any luck in this area? Am I using numba and numexpr wrong (I'm quite new to this) or is this altogether a bad approach to try and speed this up. Here is a reproducible code, thank you in advanced:
import numpy as np
from numba import autojit
import numexpr as ne
# numpy
multiplication1 = np.multiply(a,a)
# numba
def multiplix(X,Y):
M = X.shape[0]
N = X.shape[1]
D = np.empty((M, N), dtype=np.float)
for i in range(M):
for j in range(N):
D[i,j] = X[i, j] * Y[i, j]
return D
mul = autojit(multiplix)
multiplication2 = mul(a,a)
# numexpr
def numexprmult(X,Y):
M = X.shape[0]
N = X.shape[1]
return ne.evaluate("X * Y")
multiplication3 = numexprmult(a,a)
What about using fortran and ctypes?
subroutine elementwise( a, b, c, M, N ) bind(c, name='elementwise')
use iso_c_binding, only: c_float, c_int
integer(c_int),intent(in) :: M, N
real(c_float), intent(in) :: a(M, N), b(M, N)
real(c_float), intent(out):: c(M, N)
integer :: i,j
forall (i=1:M,j=1:N)
c(i,j) = a(i,j) * b(i,j)
end forall
end subroutine
from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_int, c_float
import numpy as np
import time
fortran = CDLL('./elementwise.so')
fortran.elementwise.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_float),
POINTER(c_int) ]
# Setup
a = np.empty((M,N), dtype=c_float)
b = np.empty((M,N), dtype=c_float)
c = np.empty((M,N), dtype=c_float)
a[:] = np.random.rand(M,N)
b[:] = np.random.rand(M,N)
# Fortran call
start = time.time()
fortran.elementwise( a.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)),
c_int(M), c_int(N) )
stop = time.time()
print 'Fortran took ',stop - start,'seconds'
# Numpy
start = time.time()
c = np.multiply(a,b)
stop = time.time()
print 'Numpy took ',stop - start,'seconds'
I compiled the Fortran file using
gfortran -O3 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -floop-strip-mine -shared -fPIC \
-o elementwise.so elementwise.F90
The output yields a speed-up of ~10%:
$ python elementwise.py
Fortran took 0.213667869568 seconds
Numpy took 0.230120897293 seconds
$ python elementwise.py
Fortran took 0.209784984589 seconds
Numpy took 0.231616973877 seconds
$ python elementwise.py
Fortran took 0.214708089828 seconds
Numpy took 0.25369310379 seconds