The binary-search algorithm takes log(n) time, because of the fact that the height of the tree (with n nodes) would be log(n).
How would you prove this?
Now here I am not giving mathematical proof. Try to understand the problem using log to the base 2. Log2 is the normal meaning of log in computer science.
First, understand it is binary logarithm (log2n) (logarithm to the base 2). For example,
For each height the number of nodes in a fully balanced tree are
Height Nodes Log calculation 0 1 log21 = 0 1 3 log23 = 1 2 7 log27 = 2 3 15 log215 = 3
Consider a balanced tree with between 8 and 15 nodes (any number, let's say 10). It is always going to be height 3 because log2 of any number from 8 to 15 is 3.
In a balanced binary tree the size of the problem to be solved is halved with every iteration. Thus roughly log2n iterations are needed to obtain a problem of size 1.
I hope this helps.