Top "Pear" questions

PEAR is a repository of PHP software code, designed to offer some functionality not built into PHP core

Setting up PHPUnit on OSX

Though I'm sure others have eventually managed to figure this out, I've been following the various documentation out there and …

installation osx-snow-leopard phpunit pear
How to use PEAR behind proxy?

Initially I used the following with no success; export http_proxy=http://username@password:host:port Worth noting I don't …

php proxy pear
how to send html mails using PEAR mail

I am using PEAR mail system to send authenticated mails.I need to send HTML mails that has alinks.It …

php email pear
PHP: PEAR mail help

I'm trying out the mail pear package. It successfully sends an email but give me the following error: Strict Standards: …

php email pear
Installing PEAR and PHPUnit with xampp

I am trying to get PHPUnit up and running the following are the steps I am currently following: ### Install new …

php installation phpunit pear
Where do PEAR packages normally get installed?

I am using a Debian squeeze server. I have installed PEAR using aptitude install php-pear. This created a directory /usr/…

php pear
Installing PEAR on wampserver

All the guides for installing PEAR on wampserver, such as the Symfony guide, say I am to run a go-pear.…

php windows pear wamp
How can i get phpunit to run tests from all files in a folder?

From what I've read, it seems like I should be able to set up a folder, e.g. tests/ , put …

php phpunit pear
Problem with PHP PEAR Mail

I am trying to use PEAR Mail to send using an external smtp server. It seems to hang for a …

php pear
What are differences between PECL and PEAR?

I can see that GD library is for images. But I can't see differences between PECL and PEAR. Both have …

php pear pecl