PDO (PHP Data Objects) is a data-access abstraction layer (interface) for PHP.
In PDO examples I often find the acronyms $dbh and $sth used. I suppose $dbh stands for "database handle" - …
php pdo coding-styleWhat considerations should I take into account when choosing between SQLSRV driver vs. PDO driver (for PHP with MS SQL …
php sql-server pdo driverTry code below, but cause exception - SQLSTATE[HY000] [335544421] connection rejected by remote interface: try { $dbh = new PDO("firebird:dbname=…
php linux pdo firebird firebird-3.0I have managed to read data of Microsoft Access file (.accdb) on Windows using PDO but I'm having problem getting …
php linux pdo odbc ms-access-2007I've been reading on in particular 'error logging' And I have come up with the function 'error_log' which seem …
php pdoStarted using PDO prepared statements not too long ago, and, as i understand, it does all the escaping/security for …
php mysql security pdo sql-injectionI was looking for answer for last 3 hours, and i don't know what to do. Here is the code: function …
sql pdo panicI've tried to install OCI, so I can use new PDO("oci:dbname... After 1,5h of fight I've installed oracle …
php oracle ubuntu pdo oracle-call-interface