Is it possible to have a PDF file open at a predefined magnification in Adobe Reader?

aaandre picture aaandre · Apr 21, 2009 · Viewed 29.9k times · Source

We have a downloadable PDF file which looks great at 72% magnification in Adobe Reader and not so good at 101%. When downloaded and opened in the reader, its default magnification is 101%.

Is there a way to define the default magnification in the PDF file itself so that we ensure the best user experience?

Thank you!


bmb picture bmb · Apr 21, 2009

If you can control the URL used to download, you can put parameters in the URL to control how the built-in reader will display the file.

For example, will set the magnification to 50%.


The above applies to the built-in reader supplied by Adobe. Other readers may not honor the parameters. In particular, see the answer to this question regarding Chrome.