I want to take a part of my HTML template and convert it to PDF file to give the user an option to download it. (After they click a button for example).
I found a library called jsPDF, how would I use jsPDF in an Angular2 app (RC4)?
thank you
If you want to use it in production, you definitely don't want to depend on an internet link being referenced in your index.html, like proposed by @khalil_diouri.
So, to properly use it in an Angular2/Typescript environment, first install it from npm
npm install --save jspdf
If you are using SystemJS, map it in your config file
map: {
"jspdf": "node_modules/jspdf/dist/jspdf.min.js"
Install definition package: (if not installed)
npm install typings --global
Install definition files:
typings install dt~jspdf --global --save
And, finally, import it in your component.ts file
import jsPDF from 'jspdf'
let doc = new jsPDF();
doc.text(20,20,'Hello world');