Top "Pdb-files" questions

This PDB is Microsoft's "Program Database" format for debugging symbols, stored in files with a `.pdb` extension.

How much information do pdb files contain? (C# / .NET)

Is is wise to redistribute the pdb files along with a commercial application? Occasionally, I'm using the stack trace to …

.net debugging symbols pdb-files
How can I get the GUID from a PDB file?

Does anyone know how to get the GUID from a PDB file? I'm using Microsoft's Debug Interface Access SDK http://…

debugging guid pdb-files dia-sdk
How to create a .MAP file from a .PDB file

I would like to create a simple .MAP file listing addresses and symbol names from a PDB file. My natural …

windows debugging symbols pdb-files
Embed .pdb debug symbol information into an .exe file in Visual Studio

I am experimenting an analysis tool that can analyze executable files with embedded debug symbol information in Windows. While trying …

visual-studio executable debug-symbols pdb-files
Compiler PDB file and the Linker PDB file

I am getting confused as to what is the difference between the compiler and linker PDB files respectively (i.e. …

c++ visual-studio-2008 pdb-files
Add line numbers to stack trace of ASP.NET web site that is deployed in release mode

I working on maintenance of one web application, this web site having error log functionality as well. My client occasionally …

c# .net exception pdb-files