A service for authorizing payments for an e-commerce website, an online retailer or a traditional business.
I want to make a payment gateway using Stripe. Here is my code. The config file and first of all …
php payment-gateway stripe-payments payment-processingI'm developing a web application, using ASP.net and C# need to provide a functionality through which users can pay …
c# asp.net e-commerce payment-gateway credit-cardI am trying to integrate the Braintree API into my PHP application. I am new in integrating payment gateway. Please, …
php integration payment-gateway braintreeHow to Integrate Payment Gateway Feature in Android App, I have made a Shopping Cart App in which now i …
android paypal payment-gatewayI have two different payment gateway (stripe and bank transfer) in Woocommerce checkout page. But "Bank transfer" (bacs) is always …
php wordpress woocommerce stripe-payments payment-gatewayI am facing error during the placeorder using method authorised.net in magento: "Gateway error: (TESTMODE) The merchant login ID …
e-commerce payment-gateway magento-1.5 authorize.netHere is my some activity code, what will be the surl & furl? could anyone please help me? Thanks in …
android payment-gateway payumoneyI'm looking to do Authorize.net payment integration with a website using PHP. My questions are: 1) Where I can find …
php payment-gateway authorize.netHow to integrate BHIM app payment gateway in an android app, through upi id?I have no idea about payment …
android android-studio payment-gateway payment upiCan anyone tell me the procedure for cc-avenue integration in my website?
payment-gateway ccavenue