Password protection is used to ensure only authorized users (i.e. those who know the password) can access or modify certain information.
been searching for 2 days and can't quite get the right solution due to my lack of understanding of mod_rewrite …
php .htaccess mod-rewrite rewrite password-protectionI'm trying to configure Bcrypt for a node app that I'm making and have several questions about salts that I …
hash passwords password-protection bcrypt saltI'm having this code to zip files but i need to protect this file with a password $file = 'backup.sql'; $…
php zip password-protectionI'm developing an MVC 5 web application using Entity Framework Database First approach with an existing database. I'm also using ASP.…
c# password-protection am using Code Igniter for my current project. As of now, I am using MD5 for password hashing, but …
codeigniter password-protection salt bcrypt password-hashI've been reading about the Gawker incident and several articles have cropped up regarding only using bcrypt to hash passwords …
passwords hash password-protection bcrypt pbkdf2I'm using DotNetZip to zip my files, but I need to set a password in zip. I tryed: public void …
c# zip password-protection dotnetzipI'm getting an error when running a script as a particular user, but not as my own user account. This …
powershell password-protection powershell-4.0 securestringIn a UI of mine, I have a PasswordField like so (urm the one at the bottom!): I want a …
utf-8 javafx-2 textfield password-protectionI've built my first app, and I would like to password protect it. It's fine for me to store the …
java android passwords password-protection