Top "Parent-child" questions

A relationship between entities in which one acts in a major role and the other in a minor role.

error C2614: 'ChildClass' : illegal member initialization: 'var1' is not a base or member

I am getting the following error in C++: error C2614: 'ChildClass' : illegal member initialization: 'var1' is not a base …

c++ inheritance parent-child
Nested parent/child checkboxes - working solution need adjustment help for Bootstrap

I have been looking for a 'complete' solution to nesting parent child checkboxes that change state correctly based on a …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap checkbox parent-child
How to recursively populate a TreeView with JSON data

I have a winforms treeview, I can read data automatically, (a node that is equal to key, and a node …

c# json winforms treeview parent-child
When exactly is component destroyed?

In Angular 2 with Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiling, I have a parent component and a child component, like this: <div> &…

angular components parent-child ondestroy
Treat child as field of parent in elastic search query

I am reading the docs for elasticsearch and this [page][1] talks about mapping a child to a parent type using _…

parent-child elasticsearch
Rails - Parent/child relationships

I'm currently using a standard one-to-one relationship to handle parent/child relationships: class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :category …

ruby-on-rails associations parent-child
How to Spawn Child Processes that Don't Die with Parent?

I have a C++ program that acts as a watchdog over others. If it detects that a process is no …

c++ linux fork parent-child spawn
wp_dequeue_script for child theme to replace script

I have a child theme and I am able to add the script I want to use to replace some …

javascript php wordpress parent-child
How to delete automatically all reference rows if parent row get deleted in mysql?

I have a database which contains around 50 tables. Suppose I have a table named parent with id primary key and 24 …

mysql sql parent-child foreign-key-relationship cascading-deletes
Entity Framework - Add Child Entity

Entity Framework 5.0 Code first with existing database. Reverse engineered the classes with power tools. Everything is working great. Database has …

entity-framework parent-child