Top "Paramiko" questions

Paramiko is a Python module that implements the SSH2 protocol.

Turning off logging in Paramiko

I am using the ssh client provided by Paramiko to create a function call remoteSSH (the file name is remoteConnect.…

python logging paramiko
Paramiko and Pseudo-tty Allocation

I'm trying to use Paramiko to connect to a remote host and execute a number of text file substitutions. i, …

python ssh paramiko
Paramiko -- using encrypted private key file on OS X

I'm trying to use Paramiko to connect to an SSH server from Python. This is what I tried so far: &…

ssh osx-mountain-lion paramiko private-key
paramiko.SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner

I am using Paramiko and trying to connect to my SFTP server. Here is the code I wrote: class SFTPUploader: …

python sftp paramiko
Check whether a path exists on a remote host using paramiko

Paramiko's SFTPClient apparently does not have an exists method. This is my current implementation: def rexists(sftp, path): """os.path.…

python ssh scp paramiko
Paramiko: "FutureWarning: CTR mode needs counter parameter"

I am trying to use Paramiko in Python2 for transferring files through SFTP with a private SSH key but it …

python warnings sftp paramiko python-cryptography
Check if paramiko ssh connection is still alive

Is there a way to check if a paramiko SSH connection is still alive? In [1]: import paramiko In [2]: ssh = paramiko.…

python ssh paramiko
How to transfer a file to ssh server in an ssh-connection made by paramiko?

I am using Python's paramiko packet to keep an ssh-connection with an server : s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_…

python ssh sftp paramiko
How to know if a paramiko SSH channel is disconnected?

I'm desinging test cases in which I use paramiko for SSH connections. Test cases usually contain paramiko.exec_command() calls …

python paramiko
Unable to connect to remote host using paramiko?

I want to transfer files between two Ubuntu Servers using scp, i have tested scp between the two systems and …

python ssh pip scp paramiko