Top "Paradigms" questions

A tag for questions relating to the world view underlying a particular software methodology or theory.

Are FP and OO orthogonal?

I have heard this time and again, and I am trying to understand and validate the idea that FP and …

oop scala programming-languages functional-programming paradigms
Do you use AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) in production software?

AOP is an interesting programming paradigm in my opinion. However, there haven't been discussions about it yet here on stackoverflow (…

aop paradigms
Where do you put the .jar file for an external library in java

This is probably a pretty stupid question. I just learned how to use external libraries in java by adding the .…

java jar paradigms
What is the programming paradigm of R?

What is the programming paradigm of R (R as in GNU S)? I believe myself familiar with programming languages of …

r paradigms
How do I write unit tests in PHP with a procedural codebase?

I'm mostly convinced of the benefits of unit testing, and I would like to start applying the concept to a …

php unit-testing phpunit simpletest paradigms
Programming Go, using Unified Modelling Language Diagrams

I have just started using Go (GoLang) and I am finding it a great language. However, after many years of …

go uml paradigms