Top "Palindrome" questions

A word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that may be read the same way in either direction, forward or backward.

Python reverse() for palindromes

I'm just getting started in python, and I'm trying to test a user-entered string as a palindrome. My code is: …

python reverse palindrome
Add the least amount of characters to make a palindrome

The question: Given any string, add the least amount of characters possible to make it a palindrome in linear time. …

algorithm palindrome
How does recursive isPalindrome function work?

I'm working on some introductory recursion problems and I have a clarifying question I'd like to get answered. The most …

java methods recursion palindrome
Longest palindrome in a string

I wrote the following function to find the longest palindrome in a string. It works fine but it won't work …

javascript algorithm palindrome
The fastest method of determining if a string is a palindrome

I need an algorithm that verify with the fastest possible execution time, if a string is a palindrome ( the string …

java performance palindrome
Given a word, convert it into a palindrome with minimum addition of letters to it

Here is a pretty interesting interview question: Given a word, append the fewest number of letters to it to convert …

string algorithm palindrome
Effective way of checking if a given string is palindrome in C

I was preparing for my interview and started working from simple C programming questions. One question I came across was …

c string pointers palindrome
Palindrome Using a stack

Our professor required us to check if a word is a palindrome by using stacks. Every time I run it, …

c data-structures palindrome stack
Finding the largest palindrome of the product of two three digit numbers problem

So on Project Euler the Problem 4 states the following: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome …

c algorithm palindrome
Palindromes using Scala

I came across this problem from CodeChef. The problem states the following: A positive integer is called a palindrome if …

scala loops iteration break palindrome