Top "Pager" questions

jQuery Cycle pagerAnchorBuilder

I'm using the Cycle plugin for use in a news-rotator. This means I'm using Div's to populate the slides instead …

jquery selection cycle pager
Unable to position pager (navigation bar) above jqGrid

According the the jqGrid documentation, I should be able to place the pager above or below the jqGrid by moving …

jqgrid position pager
customize pager in psql

When I use psql, the command line tool of PostgreSQL, in interactive mode, it lists data as paginated output. However, …

postgresql command-line psql pager
PagerTabStrip and PagerTitleStrip difference?

When should we use pagerTabStrip and when should we go for pagerTitleStrip??? What does the word interactive indicator and non-interactive …

android strip pager
jqGrid - Pagination not working properly

As you can see in this image I have 13 records on my DB but the pager says it has only 1 …

json jqgrid pagination pager
How do you change the size of JQGrid's Edit Dialog Box?

In a JQGrid grid, when you select a row and press the edit button, a dialog box pops up to …

javascript jqgrid pager
Android: Viewpager and FragmentStatePageAdapter

I'm designing an app that allows users to flip between multiple pages in a ViewPager. I've been struggling trying to …

android caching adapter pager fragment
Where is my Drupal View pager?

I have a Drupal 6 site where I've created a view that shows a list of nodes. Nothing complicated -- except …

drupal drupal-6 drupal-views pager
How do I use vim as 'git log' editor?

When I run git log, what exactly is the editor git log is using? Also: Is there anyway I can …

git vim pager git-log
PHP pagination class

I am looking for a php pagination class, I have used a rather simple one in the past and it …

php mysql class pagination pager