A design pattern to represent a web page as an object.
I am a novice in Selenium, need some advice. As I understand, in Page Object, we must create a Java …
selenium frameworks keyword pageobjects data-driven-testsI have read in a few places that Navigating between Pages when using WebDriver API is typically done by the …
java selenium-webdriver pageobjectsI am trying to learn the PageFactory model. I understood the fact that when we do a initElements, the WebElements …
selenium selenium-webdriver pageobjects page-factory staleelementreferenceexceptionI'm going to organize an explicit wait in Selenium like this: WebDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(driver,30); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.…
java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver pageobjectsWhile I'm executing the scenarios suddenly I got the error message as follows: Retrying.. Errno::ECONNREFUSED: (Connection refused - connect(2) (…
ruby selenium-webdriver cucumber calabash pageobjects