Top "Package.json" questions

All npm packages contain a file, usually in the project root, called package.

Difference between `npm update` and `remove package-lock.json` plus `npm install`?

What is essential difference between these commands, except that npm update modify package.json? rm package-lock.json npm install npm …

npm npm-install package.json package-lock.json npm-update
how to execute powershell ps1 scripts from package.json "scripts"?

How can I execute PowerShell ps1 scripts from package.json "scripts"? I know how to set up a basic script …

node.js powershell npm package.json
What is the significance of browserslist in package.json created by create-react-app

I was asked this in an interview. I could not answer. "browserslist": [ ">0.2%", "not dead", "not ie <= 11", "not op_…

create-react-app package.json
Deploy Angular 5 + Nodejs Express app to Heroku

I have an Angular 5 App. This is what I have in my package.json { "name": "web", "version": "0.0.0", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "…

node.js angular heroku angular5 package.json
Can you set aliases for npm scripts inside package.json?

I have a project written in Typescript When developing Locally: ts-node is installed as a dev-dependency, The commands are to …

node.js npm package.json npm-scripts
"style" field in package.json

I noticed that Bootstrap and Normalize.css both have a "style" field in their package.json. Why do they have …

node.js npm node-modules package.json
npm package.json main and project structure

I have a issue with npm and the main field. I see the documentation and as of my understanding I …

node.js npm package.json
I keep getting `errno 4058` from npm

I used npm in the last weeks without any problems, but all of the sudden i keep getting this error: …

npm npm-install package.json errno
Heroku does not read node version

I have a Node project that I want to host on Heroku. I have explicitly defined node and npm versions …

json node.js heroku package.json
How to use react-router BrowserRouter in a static index.html file

I'm attempting to use the static index.html file generated by npm run build, along with react-router. the tl;dr …

reactjs routing react-router package.json static-html