I am following a book named "Web Security Testing Cookbook.pdf" (O'REILLY) by Paco Hope & Ben Walther. For installing standalone WebScarab I have found the following instruction:
To obtain the standalone version, browse to the WebScarab project at SourceForge:
Once you’ve downloaded the standalone version, double-click the WebScarab .jar file.
After visiting http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64424&package_id=61823 I found a file named "testing.sxw". As I didn't find any jar file what to do with testing.sxw?
Prerequisite: jre1.4 or later
Download "webscarab-selfcontained-20070504-1631.jar" from http://sourceforge.net/projects/owasp/files/WebScarab/20070504-1631/
Run the jar file by double-click OR from command prompt by using the command:
java -jar webscarab-selfcontained-20070504-1631.jar
WebScarab will be run successfully.