Top "Overhead" questions

Overhead is any combination of excess or indirect computation time, memory, bandwidth, or other resources that are required to attain a particular goal.

What is "overhead"?

I am a student in Computer Science and I am hearing the word "overhead" a lot when it comes to …

Android Studio Google JAR file causing GC overhead limit exceeded error

I am using Android Studio on OS X. I am getting this error message: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. …

java android overhead
How much overhead does SSL impose?

I know there's no single hard-and-fast answer, but is there a generic order-of-magnitude estimate approximation for the encryption overhead of …

performance sockets ssl overhead
In MySQL what does "Overhead" mean, what is bad about it, and how to fix it?

simple question, but its been nagging me for a while now.... what is "overhead" in MySQL, and should i be …

mysql overhead
Import package.* vs import package.SpecificType

Would it suppose any difference regarding overhead to write an import loading all the types within one package (import java.*); …

java import overhead
Eclipse crashes with a GC overhead limit exceeded error

It's the first time I am using Proguard, I've noticed that if you add many custom rules to proguard-project.txt …

android eclipse crash proguard overhead
what is overhead, payload, and header

Can someone please explain me what is overhead, payload, header and packet. As far as I know a packet is …

networking overhead payload
Time measuring overhead in Java

When measuring elapsed time on a low level, I have the choice of using any of these: System.currentTimeMillis(); System.…

java timestamp overhead
Java if vs. try/catch overhead

Is there any overhead in Java for using a try/catch block, as opposed to an if block (assuming that …

java exception-handling if-statement try-catch overhead
Is it a good practice to pass struct object as parameter to a function in c++?

I tried an example live below: typedef struct point { int x; int y; } point; void cp(point p) { cout<&…

c++ function struct overhead