outline is a property in CSS, that is used to draw a line around the element.
I am using Jquery Accordion. The active link has an outline. I have tried using css: #accordion a:focus { outline: …
jquery accordion outlineI'm trying to remove default focus froom chrome and it works with outline:none; in the same time I want …
google-chrome focus outlineI would like to make the circle view by using react-native. Here what I did: circle: { position: 'absolute', borderWidth: 10, borderColor: …
javascript css react-native outlineSo I have these four boxes, floated left, each with a 50% width of the page. I want them to have …
css outlineI was reading this question on disabling the dashed borders around <a> links. Some answers used outline: none, …
css outlineI have a row of images, each wrapped in a link. I want a dotted outline to appear around each …
html css outlineIn the Chrome devtools, Firefox devtools, Safari, Opera, etc., if I inspect an element I can see its bounding box …
css layout browser user-agent outlineHow can I set the properties for the text outline / border for each character in a line of text in …
actionscript-3 actionscript text outline