Top "Osx-yosemite" questions

OS X Yosemite (version 10.

Xcode 7 run on Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite

Am I missing something or Xcode 7 should run only on new(beta) OSX 10.11 El Capitan? I downloaded beta and after …

swift osx-yosemite swift2 xcode7 osx-elcapitan
How to import and use python Levenshtein extension on OSX?

I've downloaded the python-Levenshtein archive and extracted Levenshtein dir. So, in result I have the following files structure: Levenshtein - __…

python python-2.7 osx-yosemite
Can't load X11 in R after OS X Yosemite upgrade

Running into the following error when I try to use ggplot2 and plot within the console after upgrading to Yosemite: …

r macos x11 osx-yosemite
Swift - Write Image from URL to Local File

I've been learning swift rather quickly, and I'm trying to develop an OS X application that downloads images. I've been …

json macos cocoa swift osx-yosemite
Can't run Android Studio on Yosemite

Can't install Java 7 (installer refuses). Can install Java 8. But then starting Android Studio, it says it needs to install the …

android android-studio osx-yosemite
osx 10.10 Curl POST to HTTPS url gives SSLRead() error

I just recently upgraded to OSX 10.10 Yosemite and I since the upgrade I can't do Curl POST to a SSL …

php macos apache curl osx-yosemite
gcc 4.9.1 in OS X Yosemite - gcc: warning: couldn’t understand kern.osversion ‘14.0.0'

I install OS X Yosemite and now i have a huge problem with gcc 4.9.1 compiler. I hope some one can …

c++ c gcc osx-yosemite
Apache 2.4.9 fails after enabling ssl module and setting up ssl certificate

Apache throws the following errors after attempting to set up ssl certificates: [ssl:emerg] [pid 30907] AH02572: Failed to configure at …

php ssl ssl-certificate osx-yosemite apache2.4
Cocoapods with Xcode 6 and 10.10 Yosemite

After initially upgrading to 10.10 and XCode6-Beta, I tried to run 'pod update' and I received this error: cannot load …

xcode cocoapods osx-yosemite osx-yosemite-beta
--resource-rules has been deprecated in mac os x >= 10.10

I tried to resign my ipa file with new provisioning profile on Mac Os 10.10 with iResign app but I got …

ios iphone code-signing ipa osx-yosemite