I am using the ORM Mapping in SQLAlchemy 0.6.8.
I have three tables (A, B and C), with no foreign keys between them.
I am trying to join table A and B, and then left outer join that with C. I am expecting a named tuple, with fields A, B and C - with the C field sometimes set to None.)
I can do the first join easily enough by just selecting both table.
(session.query(A, B)
.filter(A.some_field = B.some_other_field))
That gets me a NamedTuple with fields A and B.
I then add the outer join, to make it:
(session.query(A, B)
.outerjoin((C, A.some_field==C.some_different_field))
The result still only has two tables. I can't access the other fields of C (even in the cases where they are present).
What is the correct way to do an left outer join, to get access to the fields of the right-most table??
I'd rather not fallback to the basic SQL if I could avoid it - I am trying to learn to take advantage of the ORM.
This should work:
.join(B, A.some_field == B.some_other_field)
.outerjoin(C, A.some_field == C.some_different_field)