I have hit a problem with my oracle development database.
When in sqlplus I executed the shutdown command, but nothing happened for several minutes and it was just hanging. No messages were displayed to the screen. The only thing was to close the command window. When I open sqlplus again and enter in the user name password as sysdba I am getting ORA 12514 TNS Listener could not resolve service in descriptor. This is odd as I could log on before and use the database. So I thought that the services were still shutting down I waited, and using the Windows snap on tool for Oracle 11g, I restarted the services on the database, but this has had no effect.
Even using EM made no difference because I couldn't log on to perform a startup or recovery.
So, please does anyone know how I can fix this?
May need to startup the listener: lsnrctl start
See: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/05/oracle-lsnrctl-listener-shutdown-and-startup-procedures/