My application, which uses an Oracle database, is going slow or appears to have stopped completely.
How can find out which queries are most expensive, so I can investigate further?
This one shows SQL that is currently "ACTIVE":-
select S.USERNAME, s.sid, s.osuser, t.sql_id, sql_text
from v$sqltext_with_newlines t,V$SESSION s
where t.address =s.sql_address
and t.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
and s.status = 'ACTIVE'
and s.username <> 'SYSTEM'
order by s.sid,t.piece
This shows locks. Sometimes things are going slow, but it's because it is blocked waiting for a lock:
type, -- Type or system/user lock
lmode, -- lock mode in which session holds lock
ctime -- Time since current mode was granted
v$locked_object, all_objects, v$lock
v$locked_object.object_id = all_objects.object_id AND
v$lock.id1 = all_objects.object_id AND
v$lock.sid = v$locked_object.session_id
order by
session_id, ctime desc, object_name
This is a good one for finding long operations (e.g. full table scans). If it is because of lots of short operations, nothing will show up.
COLUMN percent FORMAT 999.99
SELECT sid, to_char(start_time,'hh24:mi:ss') stime,
message,( sofar/totalwork)* 100 percent
FROM v$session_longops
WHERE sofar/totalwork < 1