the best way to track data changes in oracle

GBK picture GBK · Apr 20, 2011 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

as the title i am talking about, what's the best way to track data changes in oracle? i just want to know which row being updated/deleted/inserted?

at first i think about the trigger, but i need to write more triggers on each table and then record down the rowid which effected into my change table, it's not good, then i search in Google, learn new concepts about materialized view log and change data capture,

materialized view log is good for me that i can compare it to original table then i can get the different records, even the different of the fields, i think the way is the same with i create/copy new table from original (but i don't know what's different?);

change data capture component is complicate for me :), so i don't want to waste my time to research it.

anybody has the experience the best way to track data changes in oracle?


Rob van Wijk picture Rob van Wijk · Apr 20, 2011

You'll want to have a look at the AUDIT statement. It gathers all auditing records in the SYS.AUD$ table.


AUDIT insert, update, delete ON t BY ACCESS
