I need to check space used by a tablespace but I have no dba privs. Is there a way to do this?
Unfortunately without explicit permissions to the dba_free_space
or dba_segments
views you are stuck with your users default tablespace:
TO_CHAR(SUM(NVL(fs.bytes,0))/1024/1024, '99,999,990.99') AS MB_FREE
user_free_space fs,
user_tablespaces ts,
user_users us
fs.tablespace_name(+) = ts.tablespace_name
AND ts.tablespace_name(+) = us.default_tablespace
If you need to check the size of a tablespace for which you don't have a user with that as their default tablespace you're stuck with going back to your DBA.
Test with the system tablespace as default:
Test with an app tablespace as the default tablespace:
This schema does not have query on the dba views:
select * from dba_free_space;
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
Error at Line: 13 Column: 15