I have an interactive report displaying all the records from articles table. For a logged in author, I would like to display all the records, but the EDIT should be displayed only for those articles written by that author. In articles table, I have the column CREATED_BY
which has the author username.
I added a condition to Link Column as Value of Item / Column in Expression 1 = Expression 2 as Expression1=#CREATED_BY#
& Expression2= :APP_USER
But this does not work. This is the first time I am taking this approach to display edit link based on a condition.
When I added the condition Value of Item / Column in Expression 1 is not null
and set Expression1 = #CREATED_BY#
, it was still not displaying edit link. So, I think that #CREATED_BY#
is returning null. But the record in table has a value & I also see it in report column.
Can someone help? I don't know where I am going wrong.
The condition you use is for the column and not for each row so you will not be able to do it that way.
I think that the best way to achieve this is create a dummy column in your query that you will use as your edit link:
'<a href="' || APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL( p_url => 'f?p=' || &APP_ID. || ':<YOUR EDIT PAGE>:'||&SESSION.||'::NO::<PAGE ITEM>:'||COLUMN ID, p_checksum_type => 'SESSION') || '"><img src="/i/menu/pencil2_16x16.gif"></a>'
END edit_link,
You also have to change the display of the column under column definition to
Standard Report Column
and optionally you can remove the options under
Allow Users To: so the user couldn't hide/sort/... the column.
Hope this can help you. Any doubt or further explanation just ask.