How to avoid this very heavy query that slows down the application?

Juan Paredes picture Juan Paredes · Apr 13, 2010 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

We have a web application running in a production enviroment and at some point the client complained about how slow the application got.

When we checked what was going on with the application and the database we discover this "precious" query that was being executed by several users at the same time (thus inflicting an extremely high load on the database server):

SELECT   NULL AS table_cat,
         o.owner AS table_schem,
         o.object_name AS table_name,
         o.object_type AS table_type,
         NULL AS remarks
FROM     all_objects o
WHERE    o.owner LIKE :1 ESCAPE :"SYS_B_0" AND
         o.object_name LIKE :2 ESCAPE :"SYS_B_1" AND
         o.object_type IN(:"SYS_B_2", :"SYS_B_3")
ORDER BY table_type, table_schem, table_name

Our application does not execute this query, I believe it is an Hibernate internal query. I've found little information on why Hibernate does this extremely heavy query, so any help in how to avoid it very much appreciated!

The production enviroment information: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 (Tikanga), JDK 1.5, web container OC4J (whitin Oracle Application Server), Oracle Database, JDBC Driver for JDK 1.2 and 1.3, Hibernate version, connection pool library C3P0 version 0.9.1.

UPDATE: Thanks to @BalusC for claryfing that indeed it is Hibernate that executes the query, now I have a better idea about what's going on. I'll explain the way we handle the hibernate session (it's very rudimentary yes, if you have suggestions about how to handle it better they are more than welcome!)

We have a filter (implements javax.servlet.Filter) that when it's starts (init method) it constructs the session factory (supossedly this happens only once). Then every HttpRequest that goes to the application goes through the filter and obtains a new session and it starts a transaction. When the process it's over, it comes back through the filter, makes the commit of the transaction, kills the hibernate session, then continue to the forward page (we don't store the hibernate session in the Http session because it never worked well in our tests).

Now here comes the part where I think the problem is. In our development enviroment we deploy our apps in Tomcat 5.5, and when we start the service all filters start inmediately and only once. In the production enviroment with OC4J doesn't seem to work that way. We deploy the application and only when the first request arrives, OC4J instantiates the filters.

This leads me to think that OC4J instantiates the filters on every request (or at least multiple times, which is still wrong), thus creating a session factory on every request, wich executes that %&%#%$# query, which leads to my problem!

Now, is that correct? It's there a way for me to configure the OC4J for it to instantiate filters only once?

Thanks very much to all of you for taking the time to respond this!


BalusC picture BalusC · Apr 15, 2010

It's indeed coming from Hibernate and specifically org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.TableMetadata. It's under each been used to validate the schema (table and column mapping). Apparently it's unnecessarily been executed on every spawned request or session instead of only once during application's startup. Are you for example not unnecessarily calling the Hibernate Configurator on every request or session?