What is the use of Table-CAST
and CAST-Multiset
Example of Table-Cast
SELECT count(1)
INTO v_Temp
FROM TABLE(CAST(Pi_Save_Data_List AS Property_data_list))
WHERE Column_Value LIKE '%Contact';
Example of Cast-Multiset
SELECT e.last_name,
FROM projects p
WHERE p.employee_id = e.employee_id
ORDER BY p.project_name)
AS project_table_typ)
FROM emps_short e;
What isthe performance gain or impact on the code?
The TABLE() function casts a nested table type to a relational result set. This is allows us to query a previously populated collection in SQL.
The CAST(MULTISET()) function call converts a relational result set into a collection type. This is primarily of use when inserting into a table with column defined as a nested table.
Few sites employ object-relational features in their permanent data structures so the second usage is pretty rare. But being able to use collections in embedded SQL statements is a very cool technique, and widely used in PL/SQL.