I don't know if I am missing something but what I am doing is:
I have a function that returns a ROWTYPE
myTable_rec myTable%ROWTYPE;
SELECT col1, col2, col3
INTO myTable_rec.col1
, myTable_rec.col2
, myTable_rec.col3
FROM myTable
WHERE col4 = pChar;
END B001_03;
then in my procedure (which calls the function above), I declared:
myTable_rec myTable%ROWTYPE;
but when I call in the procedure:
myTable_rec := myFunc(someChar);
I get
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
Aren't the fields supposed to be FROM the same table and OF THE SAME datatype (as of my little understanding)?
EDIT: I tried to SELECT * and every works. I am definitely missing something here. I just don't know that it is.
I bet the problem originates from using Char which is a fixed length string. Not sure where, but somewhere in your code you try to put a Char or varchar2 string of length N into a char of lengh M where M > N.