Assume that Oracle Coherence is free :)
Which one do you prefer?
What are the architectural and feature capability differences between Oracle Coherence(Tangosol) and Cassandra?
Best Regards
Oracle Coherence is a pure in-memory cache which can be distributed across nodes. Depending on its configuration it can have strong consistency, or eventual consistency for inserts and updates. Coherence is object based - consistent data model. Since you buy Coherence from oracle - you can get commercial support, from oracle.
Cassandra is a bigtable data store that is distributed across nodes. No single point of failure. It uses some caching to improve performance before committing the data to disk in its implementation of bigTable. Cassandra requires some structure in its tuple (key/value/timestamp) but otherwise can support flexible data structures.
Preferences should be determined by your use case. They are both pretty cool in their own right.
You might also want to check out - Terracotta in the in-memory space - CouchDB and HBase as other players in the big table space.