I want the desc table; operation to show the comments of the columns. I have seen that some people achieved this, however I could not find out how. Maybe it depends on the SQL Developer version, mine is Database is Oracle 11g.
This is what I get when doing desc table;:
Desc table;
Name Nullable Type
------------------- -------- -----
And I would like to get something like this:
Desc table;
Name Nullable Type Comment
------------------- -------- ---------- ---------------------------------
ID NOT NULL NUMBER(38) Table's id
ITEM_ID NUMBER(38) Reference to an item
the desc command is interpreted differently for different tools. What it does is do a select of some standard Oracle views.
Here is a query on those views that will provide the desired column data, but I encourage you to do a select * to see all that is available.
You have 3 types of views, the dba_, all_, and user_* views. I use user_* because that is available for each schema/user, but it lists only the objects owned by that schema/user. The dba_ views are typically for dba's only, and the all_ views might or might not be available for you depending on how much your dba's trust you. ^_^
select tc.column_name
, tc.nullable
, tc.data_type || case when tc.data_type = 'NUMBER' and tc.data_precision is not null then '(' || tc.data_precision || ',' || tc.data_scale || ')'
when tc.data_type like '%CHAR%' then '(' || tc.data_length || ')'
else null
end type
, cc.comments
from user_col_comments cc
join user_tab_columns tc on cc.column_name = tc.column_name
and cc.table_name = tc.table_name
where cc.table_name = upper(:tablename)