Top "Oracle-call-interface" questions

OCI is the Oracle Call Interface, used for direct programming access to an Oracle Database.

Getting Stale Connection using OracleDataSource with OCI driver

I am getting stale connection error when there is no requests to the database from my java application for couple …

java jdbc oracle10g connection-pooling oracle-call-interface
Oracle OCI, bind variables, and queries like ID IN (1, 2, 3)

Succinct Version: I'm looking for a C++ OCI adaptation of the following Java technique, where code is able to bind …

c++ sql oracle oracle-call-interface bind-variables
Oracle 11g Maximum Processes/Sessions/Transactions limits

What I'm doing I'm working on an Oracle driver incorporating OCI. To test it (mostly stability and fixing memory leaks), …

oracle oracle11g oracle-call-interface oracle-xe
How to do an update query in SQL/PHP with ORACLE(OCI)

I'm new to Oracle and using OCI with PHP. I've been doing ok until I've tried to do an update …

php sql ajax oracle oracle-call-interface
PHP error: Warning: ociparse() parameter 1 to be resource

As there is not ready made function in oracle to validate the Query so created. So I tried below code …

php oracle oracle-call-interface
Why ORA-03106 in an OCI program when SELECTing more than 1 row? 10g only, not 11g

My OCI application is returning ORA-03106 ("fatal two-task communication protocol error") when performing a SELECT * FROM mytable where mytable has …

oracle oracle10g oracle-call-interface
What is a .sym file and how can I use it from Visual-C++?

Oracle OCCI for VS2010 contains following files: oraocci11.dll (~ 500 KB) oraocci11.lib (~ 800 KB) oraocci11.sym (~ 546 KB) The DLL is obvious. …

visual-c++ dll debug-symbols oracle-call-interface occi
How to build Qt QOCI (Oracle Database driver) on Windows with MinGW?

This last two days I spend trying to build both debug and release Oracle database drivers for Qt without success. …

windows makefile mingw oracle-call-interface qoci
How to detect Oracle broken/stalled connection?

In our server/client-setup we're experiencing some weird behaviour. The client is a C/C++-application which uses OCI to …

c++ oracle database-connection oracle-call-interface otl
Oracle and WAMP oci_connect failure

I'm trying to configure a simple connection between my local WAMP server and some Oracle I have. Apparently PHP has …

php oracle wamp oracle-call-interface