I have a tabular form that displays all requests submitted for processing. Submitters have the opportunity to cancel requests at any time. I would like this to be accomplished by simply checking the row selector checkbox of the row(s) that should be cancelled and clicking submit.
Ok... What I am trying to create is a tabular form that, when the [row selector] checkbox is checked and the form is submitted, the value in the 'Status' column of the row is set as 'Cancelled'.
Since the [row selector] checkboxes exist, my guess is there is probably a built in process of some sort that identifies the selected rows and runs an action on the selected rows.
Is there a way to tap into this functionality and take the extra step to set the value of the 'Status' column of the row to 'Cancelled'?
Read my comment on Tom's answer. Example code of process:
l_map apex_application_global.vc_map;
l_region_id number;
if :APEX$ROW_SELECTOR = 'X' then
select t.region_id
into l_region_id
where t.application_id = :APP_ID
and t.page_id = :APP_PAGE_ID
and t.source_type = 'Tabular Form';
l_map := apex_040100.wwv_flow_tabular_form.get_row_values(
p_tabular_form_region_id => l_region_id,
p_row_num => :APEX$ROW_NUM
update my_table
set status = 'Cancelled'
where id = l_map('ID');
end if;