Top "Oracle-adf" questions

Oracle ADF is an end-to-end Java EE framework that simplifies application development by providing out of the box infrastructure services and a visual and declarative development experience.

ADF Invoke operation manually from code

I want to execute a data control operation (CreateInsert and Delete) from a buttons ActionListener. I am aware a data …

javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Target Unreachable, 'ManagedBean' returned null

I am new in ADF JSF please assist, I am trying to map my Managed bean scope like request ,pageFlow …

jsf oracle-adf propertynotfoundexception
The UIViewRoot is null ADF_FACE-30179

Did someone already face this problem? ADF_FACES-30179**:For more information, please see the server's error log for an entry …

java jsf oracle-adf jdeveloper weblogic12c
Need to see exact query execution in Oracle ADF

I am using Oracle ADF in Oracle Jdeveloper 11g. In the application i have a search screen which will go …

java sql oracle oracle-adf
JSF password confimation validation using ADF 11

How can I create a validator that validates if the user inputed the same values in the password field and …

java validation jsf oracle-adf
ADF af:table programmatic "selectionListener" stops "valueChangeListener" in one of the columns to fire

The default value of the "selectionListener" attribute for an af:table component normally looks like this: selectionListener="#{bindings.IterBinding.collectionModel.…

jsf oracle-adf