Top "Operating-system" questions

An operating System (OS) is a basic software whose role is to be an abstract layer between software requisitions for resources and the hardware available, manage input/output, memory allocation/deallocation, file systems, among other basic tasks a device (not necessarily a computer) should do.

How to determine OS Platform with WMI?

I am trying to figure out if there is a location in WMI that will return the OS Architecture (i.…

architecture registry wmi operating-system
Detect 64-bit or 32-bit Windows from User Agent or Javascript?

I want to offer the right version of a download. The versions I have are: 32-bit Windows 64-bit Windows Linux …

javascript 64-bit operating-system user-agent
Fixing 403 Forbidden on alias directory with Apache

I am trying to setup an alias to point to some directory on my filesystem not in DocumentRoot. Now I …

apache macos permissions operating-system alias
What information can I get from an IP address?

If you have IP addresses of a set of computers (in a LAN), what other information can be deduced from …

operating-system ip ip-address lan
Why is the probe method needed in Linux device drivers in addition to init?

In the linux kernel, what does the probe() method, that the driver provides, do? How different is it from the …

linux operating-system linux-kernel
python mkdir to make folder with subfolder?

This works: mkdir('folder') but this doesn't mkdir('folder/subfolder') error: WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: …

python operating-system directory mkdir
Call to operating system to open url?

What can I use to call the OS to open a URL in whatever browser the user has as default? …

python linux url operating-system
How closely are Mac OS X and BSD related?

I read that Mac OS X and bsd are related. How closely are they related. Can Mac OS X software …

macos unix operating-system linux-kernel kernel
How to reliably detect os/platform in Go

Here's what I'm currently using, which I think gets the job done, but there's got to be a better way: …

operating-system go
Difference between physical/logical/virtual memory address

I am a little confused about the terms physical/logical/virtual addresses in an Operating System(I use Linux- open …

linux-kernel operating-system virtual-memory